Fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing
Fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing

CanvaĪre the US and UN keen to explore this technology?Ī White House report published last Friday confirms that the US is open to researching SRM. Some researchers believe that firing reflective particles into space could refreeze the poles. In September 2022, researchers at Yale university argued that the injection method could hypothetically refreeze the poles. The global temperature temporarily dropped by 0.5☌.

fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing

When Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in 1991, it released thousands of tons of sulphur dioxide. This mist of particles would reflect the sun back upwards, shading the earth. The method has already worked - albeit accidentally.

fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing

This process of 'stratospheric aerosol injection' would involve planes spraying an aerosol like sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere. One idea involves pumping sun-blocking particles into the upper atmosphere. 'Sun blocking' technologies - also known as 'solar radiation modification' - could theoretically cool down the earth by reflecting sunlight back into space. "SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years," the report states.Įarlier in the year, several news outlets also reported that the United Nations are keen to ‘explore’ it.īut just how viable really is sun-blocking technology - and what have the United Nations actually said? How could blocking the sun stop climate change?

fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing

The outlandish idea is currently trending, after the US voiced interested in studying 'solar radiation modification' (SRM) as a possibility, according to a White House report last week.Īdvocates claim it could reduce the devastating impacts of climate change, and even refreeze the poles. It sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, but some researchers want to cool the earth by reflecting sunlight back into space. Researchers hope we could cool the earth by lspraying sun-blocking aerosols into the atmosphere. US considers 'sun blocking' to cool the Earth: What is it and does it really work?

Fishing planet alaska tourniment fishing